Monday, February 13, 2012

The first amendment to the constitution does not give religious entities the permission to violate people's rights under the law. The law of the land does and should supersede religious law.
What it does say is that it makes no difference whether your religion is based on the Qur'an, the Bible, or the Sunday comics it will still not allow you to violate other's rights.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Shame on us and shame on them too!

Shame on us and shame on them too. They have been taken over by the religious right. In a process that took decades, the religious right has become the Republican party. Really and truly a magnificent move by the religious leaders, they could have started a third party and they would have split the vote and neither them nor the republicans would ever win again. Instead they patiently took over and now all they have is their "biblical morals"... in quotations of course because they preach them only when they agree with the conservative economics of the original republicans. In a way, both the religious right and the original republicans both lost their souls in the process. It's a pity really because for our system to work it needs two parties willing to compromise.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Least you can do is be true to yourself and admit it.

Let me get this straight. You want to pass a constitutional amendment forbidding sharia law because the law of the land should prevail. Now you are told that the law of the land requires that your health plan pay for contraceptives and you complain, because -you say- the church's law should prevail?

So, in reality you just want to do whatever the fuck you want to do and you also want everybody else to do whatever the fuck you TELL them to do.

Least you can do is be true to yourself and admit it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The solution to your problem does not begin with someone else doing something.

I'm a problem solver. People pay me to solve their problems... and if they don't pay me I'd do it for free. I can't help it, I see a problem and I can't stop until I find the solution. Here's a free tip for everyone, something I have found out during the years:

The solution to your problem does not begin with someone else doing something.